Queenstown photography company Artistic Photography Ltd - Ph +64 (0)21 407 789


  Stock Photography

"Ben's stock photo's of southern landscapes were perfect for us."

"We've also really enjoyed working with Ben, he's most obliging and we look forward to working on projects with him in the future."  more 

Anna Smith


Ben is constantly adding to his portfolio of images from his travels and these pictures are available for stock photography purposes.  The collection of images cover areas from all over New Zealand like Milford sound, Fiordland, Southland, Queenstown, the West coast, Christchurch and Auckland to name a few.  The collection also covers Sydney, Australia and Fiji. 
If you see an image that would suit your purpose and would like to use it for a commercial project please send us an e-mail or call us with your intended use and we will get a quote to you a.s.a.p.
New Zealand Portfolio
Australia Portfolio
 - Coming Soon
Fiji Portfolio - Coming Soon
Stock photography portfolio


 Artistic Photography Ltd
     P O Box 1113
     New Zealand

+64 (0)21 407 789